Selected Edited Books and Research Monographs
Among the books Dr. Alejandro Gastón Jantus Lordi de Sobremonte has authored are:
The Influence of the Mass Media in Moulding the Aesthetic Ideal [L'influenza dei mass media nella genesi dell'ideale estetico]. Rome: Logos, 2007.
War and Peace: Conflicts Over the Last Decade [Guerra y paz: los conflictos de la última década]. Buenos Aires: Cnn, 2001.
Venus Lounges [I salotti di Venere]. Buenos Aires: Cnn, 1998.
Natural Resources Management in International Law: a Legal Framework. Rome: Agj, 1994.
Elements of Political Economy. [Breviarium di Economia Politica]. Rome: Agj, 1992.
Elements for a General Theory of Law. [Appunti per una Teoria Generale del Diritto]. Rome: Agj, 1992.
The Unsustainable Spell of Becoming. Rome: Agj, 1991.
The Jacobin Club [Le Club des Jacobins]. Rome: Agj, 1990.